Appearing today (18 September 2018) before the Budget Oversight Committee, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot called on Government to ensure that commitments made in the National Development Plan are delivered on.
“Budget 2019 will be the first following the finalisation of Project Ireland 2040 and it is crucial that investments announced in the National Development Plan begin and the strategic plans set out in the National Planning Framework are followed. This is also the last Budget before the UK leaves the European Union and therefore our last opportunity to ensure that there is adequate finance to support business through the volatile periods to come.
Beyond Brexit, business needs Government to make strides on managing high costs of living and doing business in Ireland. Our best chance of mitigating the negative consensus of Brexit and other global upsets, is by ensuring we continue to be competitive. Government must focus on addressing the issues contributing to these high costs, from making childcare more affordable to increasing the delivery of affordable housing.
The country is in a strong economic position, but we must not be complacent. Budget 2019 is an opportunity to prepare for any difficulties ahead. Through investment and careful planning, Government can ensure that our economic prosperity is sustainable and that we are prepared to weather all threats on the horizon.”