Permanent TSB Back In Enniscorthy

PTSB are back in Enniscorthy as part of their commitment to open 25 new Branches within communities across Ireland.

Most recently PTSB opened a new Branch in the old Ulster Bank premises on Rafter Street. The staff comprise of former Ulster Bank employees who were working in the Branch and between them they have over 80 + years’ experience in Retail Branch Banking.

As part of PTSBs investment into the local community, the premises on Rafter Street will soon be undergoing a full refurbishment (the Branch will temporarily close for 3 weeks form the 24th of March to the 17th April for works). The Branch offers the full range of PTSB’s award winning services (PTSB Explore Current Account won the Best Current Account for 2022).

“My team and I are looking forward to serving and supporting the local community in Enniscorthy with both their Personal and Business needs” says manager Frank O’ Grady.

Frank can be contacted on 087-171 2748 or by email and their field based consultant Mary Barron, who manages offsite meeting for both personal and business clients, can be contacted on 087-095 2429 or by email