Here at Enniscorthy & District Chamber we are focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility, known as CSR. CSR refers to companies taking responsibility for their impact on society and we want to assist you our members become more CSR aware. The European Commission believes that CSR is important for the sustainability, competitiveness, and innovation of EU enterprises and the EU economy, we strongly agree with them. You know it has its benefits including
- drive innovation, trust and transparency
- boost long-term profitability
- ensures competitiveness
- engage the workforce
The business case for CSR is undeniable, the drivers for companies to act ethically and with integrity is now crucial for their reputations when dealing with informed employees, consumers, communities, investors and other stakeholders.So lets take this journey together. Enniscorthy & District Chamber will soon be launching our CSR Awards, taking place in November 2018.
Each month we will focus on one of the following four pillars: The Environment, The Marketplace, The Workplace and The Community.
This month our we introduce you to The Environment, a familiar pillar to many, this pillar describes activities that can be taken by businesses to mitigate negative impacts on the environment. These would include:
- Avoidance of pollution
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Recycling
- Waste and Energy efficiency measures
To get started your company can complete the Green Business questionnaire. The aim of this tool is to carry out a quick overview of the level of Resource Efficiency in your company. This will allow Green Business to provide you with quick and useful feedback on what you can do to make your business more efficient and reduce costs.
Achieve a quick score by taking the test here