Roban Financial, Slaney Place, Enniscorthy, and Zurich Life Ltd., hosted a very successful breakfast briefing in The Riverside Park Hotel, on Wednesday morning last which was very well attended and which reflected the interest being shown in the Government’s planned introduction of a mandatory pension scheme in 2022.
Facilitated by Enniscorthy and District Chamber of Commerce, the briefing was given by Niall Fitzgerald, Head of Recruitment Solutions, Zurich Life, and Michelle Leacy, Broker Consultant at Zurich. Both presentations were very thought provoking and drew a lively question and answer session from the floor at the end of the presentations.
Chamber President Maree Lyng acted as Facilitator for the Briefing and afterwards spoke of her delight at the Chamber being involved in such an important event. It is essential, she said, that as many people as possible be made aware of the Government’s plans for the introduction of a mandatory pension scheme and this could only be done, she added, by companies such as Roban Financial and Zurich Life Ltd., hosting Briefings such as the one held on Wednesday.