Renewable Energy for SMEs Seminar

Time: 10am – 2.30pm followed by a complimentary lunch.
Cost: Free.
Location: Springhill court Hotel Waterford rd, R95 NX32, Kilkenny City.

The BUCANIER Project is hosting a seminar in Kilkenny on 10th May 2019. The Renewable Energy for SMEs is on “Renewable Energy for SMEs” and the audience will consist of small business owners and stakeholders from Ireland and Wales. The seminar will run from 10:00 to 14:30 followed by a complimentary networking lunch.

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) will give an overview of SEAI supports for SMEs, which will be followed by further practical advice from guest speakers, to inform business owners on the various technologies and opportunities for energy efficiency which they could explore.

To register please click the link at:

During the seminar:

  • We will hear practical advice and tips for using renewable energy technologies in SMEs/small to medium businesses. The seminar is targeted towards an audience of small business owners and will be accessible to those with no prior knowledge of renewable energy.
  • We will network with companies in the Food & Drink, Life Sciences and Renewable Energy sectors who are participants in the BUCANIER EU programme – from both Ireland and Wales. There will be an opportunity to find out more about the programme, how it can benefit your business in these sectors and how to join.
  • We hope to facilitate communications and networking on the day and to allow sharing of knowledge with renewable energy users, business owners, suppliers, researchers and stakeholders. Break-out rooms will be available for discussions.
  • We hope to facilitate a selection of BUCANIER Participants showcasing what they do and what renewable energy technologies have achieved for them.
  • Enjoy a complimentary lunch and network with other business owners plus BUCANIER Project Team Leaders and BUCANIER Project Officers from Ireland (Wexford County Council, Institute of Technology Carlow and Bord Iascaigh Mhara) and from Wales (Pembrokeshire County Council).
  • Full agenda available on the BUCANIER website soon

This event and the BUCANIER Project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation programme.